Back to School, Back to Lice?
It seems like summer just started but pretty soon kids will be going back to school. School comes with seeing friends, new teachers and of course Lice.
In my line of work I always see an increase of head lice in the beginning of the school year.One big reason why is that most kids go to camp during the summer (whether it is an overnight camp or a day camp).In a camp setting there are a lot of kids in close proximity to each other and that is where lice comes in. Alot of children will get lice from camp (unknowingly) and will give head lice to their friends once back to school.
3 Ways to Prevent Head Lice This Coming School Year:
1.Keep Your Kids Hair Up in a Braid or Bun. By keeping the hair up and contained makes it hard for lice to get to the hair.
2.Lice transfer there hear to head contact ( such as hugging, selfies etc). Tell your kids to prevent close contact especially to there friends/ classmates.
3. Use Repellent sprays, shampoos, conditioners etc helps with the prevention of hear lice. We sell a Lice Prevention Pack ( listed Below) that has everything you would need to prevent head lice. The Prevention Pack contains 2 Repellent Sprays, Shampoo and Conditioner.
These are the sure fire ways to prevent lice this school year. But an add bonus that would be the icing on the cake would be doing weekly head checks. By head checks I mean getting the Terminator Lice Comb and combing through the hair to ensure there is not evidence of lice instead of visually looking. Do the weekly head checks in the first month of school. Even if your child gets head lice by doing the weekly head checks you can get rid of the lice fairly quickly.
Cheers to surviving Lice this school year, I hope all the kids have a happy and healthy year!!